My mom has turned into a monster, a teenage monster at that. HAAAAAYYYZZZZ!!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My Monster Mom
Labels: mother woes
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It's the day before Christmas...and here I am checking...
You Are 52% Evil |
![]() You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. |
Labels: how eveil are you, naughty, online quiz
Monday, December 22, 2008
At hayun na nga...duon na nagsimula ang talambuhay ng aming kuting na si Tabby. Bininyagan namin siyang tabby dahil napulot namin siya sa tabi-tabi.
Si Tabby...ang bunso ng aming pamilya.
Friday, December 12, 2008
No Gifts Yet
Last Year and the year before that, I have always managed to complete my shopping list by the 2nd week of Christmas.
This year, I honestly do not know if just me not having time or if it's me not feeling the usual magic of the season.
I gotta get rid of this "feeling"... whatever it is.
Labels: christmas shopping, last minute shopping
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Quiz, anyone?
Nothing better to do...
I've already exhausted my eyes by reading 2 pocketbooks today.
I've gone through my usual rounds in my friendster page.
I've clicked into a site and found an interesting online quiz.
I'm not sure I wanted to agree with the results... but what the hell...
Are you still in love with your ex? |
You still miss them. You're not crying yourself to sleep, but your ex does come across your mind now and then. You wonder if they're thinking about you sometimes, and they probably are, but you still keep talking to new people. The memory of them doesn't paralyze your heart when it comes to love. So just wait and see where you end up, where ever that is it's meant to be. |
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by ![]() |

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Our Very First Christmas Tree
Finally! After 23 years of always beggin' me daddy and me mommy about buyin' a tree, we finally got one!!!! HORRAAAYYY!!!
I guess it's my fault. Ever since we were kids, I'd always be the one to be up and about (like, say 3am in the morning) trying to create boughs, lanterns and decors so that we'd have something to symbolize the holiday season.
Lately, I've been a bit busy with work. I work in a call center. Yep, yep... the employees of this industry could literally pass as cousins of vampires (minus the fangs and the cravin' for blood --- eeeewww!). So instead of me waking up early to decorate, and surprise my siblings when they finally decide to get up from their beds; it's been months of me snoring the whole day and waking up when all of them are already off to school (or to their normal day activities).
Ahhh well, I'm just glad that me dad decide to buy us a tree. It gave me an excuse to exercise my decorating skills once again.
Labels: christmas decors, christmas tree, roan, siera
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Blasted Curiosity
Typical Friday. Our shift starts at 5PM, Manila Time. Very few people around. (Sigh) Thank God for small blessings.
I was having my afternoon coffee in peace, when all of a sudden, one impudent agent of mine walked up to me and sat beside me.
VG: Boss, I've been wonderin...?
Blogger: (looking at my phone, pretending to be busy texting somebody so that the intruder would go away) About?
VG: If your virgin or not.
Blogger: (Now that got my attention. It actually snapped my head up so fast that I got dizzy) Huh? Did I just hear you right? Or am I imagining this conversation?
VG: Don't be mad at me, boss. Me and the boys were just curious.
Ok. So my agents were debating amongst themselves of my gawdamned virginity? Jesus!
Blogger: Er...(blink, blink, blink)
VG: It's ok, Boss. We won't tell anyone.
Blogger: Uh-huh.
VG: It's just that, with you bein' so strict and all, they were saying that your boy might not have had the guts to... you know... do it with you yet.
Blogger: (mentally counting the probability of kicking the twerp's balls) Hmmmm.
VG: I mean, you can't blame us wonderin.. coz you know that Fatz and I have always had the hots for you.
Blogger: I see. (Thank God I don't blush that easily)
VG: we don't mean to offend you! It's just that we can't help but wonder, is all.
I swear, this was the weirdest conversation in my 2 years of being a team lead.
Blogger: Buzz off, VG. I will not dignify your question with an answer.
VG: (smiled like the sun just shined after 40 days of rain) So you are a virgin! I knew I was right!
Blogger: (Silent Prayer: Lord, grant me patience. Or I swear this guy will not last another day in this company) VG, really... this conversation will not make you any more knowledgeable with the product. Stick to your gawdamned manuals!
VG: (grinning like an idiot) Yes, Boss!
Blogger: (grumble, grumble, grumble)
Labels: dear diary
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Twilight Craze!
Ok, so it may not be the best plot ever. But still, there were moments that made you smile. The stars who played the parts may also not be the best, but they actually grow on you (the moment that you get used to their faces plastered on billboards and posters where ever you go - dang!)
I don't think this is the official one. But it's still nice. I never saw Edward's fangs in the movie. Although I noticed that he had some S slips.... hmmm... must have been the tongue rolling over his sucking teeth.
In truth, Robert Pattinson is not the Edward Cullen that I had in mind. However, his brooding stare and his lopsided grins are passable. In the movie, he certainly had those intense moments where in he looked so hot. But still, he needs to practice his acting skills some more.

This scene was breathtaking! Just imagine climbing the tallest tree and seeing everything from a bird's point of view! Plus, they really did look like they were enjoying playing spider monkey! Nyahaha... tough luck with that! Not even a hot guy like Edward could make me enjoy clinging to branches that high.
Errr... yeah, looks like a foreplay but not really. Gawdamned PG13 rating... (mutter, mutter).
Fave song of the Month - Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis

Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
Closed off from love
I didn’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you’re frozen
But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone’s looking round
Thinking I’m going crazy
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling
But nothing’s greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
God and Devil are BFF (best friends forever)
It was a meeting that usually took place every week. With their hectic schedules, they hardly have time anymore to have luxury meetings like this. But this particular meeting will have to take place today... and for all Sundays of every week.
This particular meeting is taking place in France. Paris to be exact. God sighed. He should have expected this already since it was Devil who made the arrangements. They usually send their personal messengers, his own Michael, and Devil's Samael to meet up first so that the place could be arranged. But with the World's chaos becoming more and more out of hand, he and his angels have been really busy lately.
God was wearing a knitted blue navy wool sweater and light gray slacks. He was early, as usual. He looked around and saw that the Maitre d’ of the Plaza Athenee restaurant was eyeing him suspiciously. God looked down at his clothes and figured that he did not exactly fit in the luxurious and elegant atmosphere of the restaurant.
God clamped down on his frustration. Why did Devil have to pick this place of all places? Why not just the cozy Starbucks branch over at Huntington Beach, California? That place was a lot more suitable to long talks such as what they are going to have in a few minutes.
“You like anything from the menu, sir?”
It was the Maitre D’. He was still looking at him like he was some scum that had no right to be in this high class place. God knew how classy this place was, it just did not occur to him that what he would be wearing would be scrutinized too much by this particular person who was talking to him right now.
God was very much tempted to read what the elderly man was thinking. But he had vowed long ago not to use such advantage especially when he is using his mortal form.
“Coffee, please. Lot’s of cream, if you don’t mind.”
The Maitre D’ nodded and withdrew. Just then, God felt the air warm up. It was Devil. God knows that Devil still have around a thousand miles to travel before the entity would reach him, but he could already feel his presence.
Devil, I don’t have time for any delays. Let’s get this done and over with.
It was a mental message that God sent. The wind outside the restaurant suddenly became a little bit sharp that it surprised an elderly woman walking outside. She was wearing a long loose skirt and she had to literally sit to avoid her ass being exposed. At the same instant, Devil made his appearance and was sitting in front of God.
Devil scanned the area briefly and then faced God and gave him an angelic smile, “Nice place, yes?” Devil was wearing a dark suit with a black silk satin undershirt. He looked dashing.
God nodded his agreement.
“You could have chosen a less extravagant place, though.”
“Ach! This is the only time we get to relax from our duties. We have to make the most out of it!”
God shook his head and smiled. And with his smile, the sun glowed brighter and a slight calming breeze drifted inside the majestic room. People around their table suddenly felt…blessed.
Devil chuckled and said, “Why don’t I have that effect in people?”
God leaned back to his chair and raised a brow. “Don’t complain Devil. Besides, I only think it’s fair…since you were the one who got the eye for fashion.”
“Ahhh, yes. Vanity is of course one of my sins.” Devil eyed God’s oh so casual attire. “Really, God, you have to get a better taste for clothes. I know that you are humble and all. But you are in your mortal form. I believe your army of angels will not think less of you if you dress a little more… err… classy.”
“It’s a habit.”
Devil rolled his eyes heavenwards and sighed, “Right, a habit that you passed on to your only son. I mean, what were you thinking? A stable for a birthplace?”
God considered this for a moment... then smiled again. “It served its purpose. It reminds humanity of humility.”
Devil brushed an imaginary speck of dust on his immaculate suit. “Ah yes. You’ve got a point there.” Devil motioned for a waiter to take their order. “You must try their crème soup here, old friend. It tastes heavenly.”
As the day progressed, they talked about a lot of things. The most pressing matter was mankind’s insatiable lust for power and control. God worried about the fact that man seems to be more and more inclined to submit to the influences of Devil’s seven deadly sins. Devil could see the worry in his friend’s eyes.
“We could put a stop to this, you know. With a flick of your finger, everything can be made alright,” Devil said after gulping down a glass of the finest wine that the restaurant had to offer. The Maitre D’s eyes nearly popped out when they asked for it most expensive wine to be prepared. Unlike God, Devil does not refrain from using his abilities on mortals and thus, he was able to hear what the glorified waiter was thinking.
Why the arrogant fools! I just hope they can bloody afford everything that they are getting!
Devil was very much tempted to unleash Lust onto the man so that he’ll have an uncomfortable erection every time he bloody sees a woman. Serves him right for being such a pompous ass.
“Devil, no…”
Devil closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Dark clouds suddenly formed in the horizon. Well, God did tell him to be mortal in his mortal form. No powers. No mind reading. No stunts. Sometimes, he could just be a bit hard headed.
And in this particular moment, it was one of those rare times that he regrets agreeing to God’s plan. Devil’s thoughts drifted to where the agreement started.
He and God are entities that are as old as time. One cannot exist without the other. They are as different as day and night. Without light, there could never be darkness. Without darkness, there could never be light. They both have their own worlds, heaven and hell, separate, divided but still together. Both worlds composed of followers of their own creation. God’s angels and his demons.
One day, God created Earth. In it, God planted life that later gave birth to all other creatures. Devil had helped every now and then. Giving comments like to ensure balance, predators should be coexisting with the prey.
As time passed, God was suddenly inspired to allow the birth of mankind, a specie that would have high intelligence and that would be gifted with free will. Devil was uneasy at first, confused with God’s plan.
“Why would you want them to choose sides? Just create your disciples and I’ll create mine.”
God shook his head then and said, “ If we do that then we’ll just be creating another Heaven and Hell. Earth will be a place where we will not impose what we want, we’ll be allowing them to choose between light and dark based on the options that we’d be giving them.”
Devil snorted but saw the logic. By giving humankind free will, God created creatures that would have freedom to be what they want.
“I cannot intervene. I have given them the gift of free will. They have control over the path that would take. We will only be giving them the different paths, but it would be up to them what to follow,” God answered in a brooding voice. He was clearly bothered by the fact that although he was mankind’s creator, more and more of them tend to be swayed easily by Devil’s minions: Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy and Pride.
God’s answer brought Devil’s mind back to the present. Devil contemplated on what was said, then shrugged. He scooped a spoonful of the delicious peach sorbet and smiled with delight. “Well, it is your bloody plan. I am but an accommodating accomplice.”
POST SCRIPT: To those who might think that my version of God and Devil's relation is blasphemous... well, that's just too bad. Just deal with it... it might be the truth.
Labels: short stories
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Mic test... Mic test
Me mum saw me hunkering in front of the computer, typing me thoughts. She glimpsed a few of the words that I've typed a few minutes earlier...
I had the crappiest day a while ago. It was another day in of slavery....
"You're generation is hopeless. You spend all day pouring your thoughts in your blogs rather than talk it out with real people."
I glanced at Mum. I sighed and deleted the first few words. Oh well... I'll try again next time. I better go and smooth out me mother's feathers. I think she feels a little left out lately.
Be postin' later on....
Labels: 1st post for this blog