Finally! After 23 years of always beggin' me daddy and me mommy about buyin' a tree, we finally got one!!!! HORRAAAYYY!!!
I guess it's my fault. Ever since we were kids, I'd always be the one to be up and about (like, say 3am in the morning) trying to create boughs, lanterns and decors so that we'd have something to symbolize the holiday season.
Lately, I've been a bit busy with work. I work in a call center. Yep, yep... the employees of this industry could literally pass as cousins of vampires (minus the fangs and the cravin' for blood --- eeeewww!). So instead of me waking up early to decorate, and surprise my siblings when they finally decide to get up from their beds; it's been months of me snoring the whole day and waking up when all of them are already off to school (or to their normal day activities).
Ahhh well, I'm just glad that me dad decide to buy us a tree. It gave me an excuse to exercise my decorating skills once again.
wow! hehe..
thanks for visiting my page ^^,
nice shots you got here... and also, pinoy ka?
care to xlink?
keep on visiting my page ^^,
merry xmas! ^^,
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